
The ideal solution for companies operating in the energy sector seeking to maintain total control over their billing cycles.


Manages and monitors the energy supply cycle


Analyze and calculate the margins between energy purchase and sales invoices


Create economic opportunities to enhance competitiveness in the market

Are you an energy Utilities?

This is the software for you, designed to increase profits and make the efforts of companies that distribute and market electricity and gas more efficient.

  • Management

    Provides a complete overview of the energy balance
  • Finance & Administration

    Automate reporting, analysis and error checking
  • Sales

    Apply customized rates and contractual conditions

Why Margyn?

Margyn is the management control platform designed to enhance the efficiency and financial reporting of energy sales companies.
With Margyn, you can effortlessly manage and monitor both sales and purchasing energy invoices using a single, user-friendly tool. Furthermore, you can generate personalized reports and access an interactive dashboard providing real-time insights into your profit margins and performance. Margyn empowers you to optimize revenue and enhance your competitiveness in the market.



Managing and monitoring the purchase energy procurement cycle
Import invoices automatically
Margyn automatically imports and analyzes all purchase and sale billing records in .xls, .xml, or .csv formats. Billing records can be directly downloaded from your supplier's portal, or you can forward supplier emails with attached files directly to a platform address for complete automation.
Supplier billing error detection
Margyn automatically checks the accuracy of all purchase and routing invoices, specifically billing components against your contract and ARERA regulations. It provides real-time data and a history starting from 2022 to scrutinize past invoices.
Export to accounting software
Margyn allows you to export all necessary information for the accounting of purchase cycle invoices, seamlessly integrating with major accounting systems.


Analyzing and calculating margins between energy purchase and sales invoices
Identifying misalignments between purchased and sold consumption
Margyn identifies deviations in purchased and sold consumption by automatically extrapolating information from billing cycles (sales and purchase). It provides analyses and tools to identify causes and suggests:
  • Monitoring and supervisory actions if deviations are considered physiological and should naturally evolve.
  • Resolutions and actions to eliminate or reduce discrepancies, such as reporting to the distributor/supplier, addressing issues related to misalignments or malfunctions in sales systems and processes.
  • Identifying misalignments between purchased and sales costs
    Margyn can detect and report anomalies in the transfer of 'pass-through' costs between the sales and purchase cycles. It provides detailed reporting of any incorrectly charged and/or credited amounts to facilitate reporting and/or resolution operations related to misalignments or malfunctions in sales systems and processes.
    Profit calculation
    Margyn allows energy and natural gas sales companies to monitor realized margins in a simple and intuitive manner through interactive dashboards. Simultaneously, it provides detailed reporting to reconstruct all scenarios.


    Creating economic opportunities to enhance competitiveness in the market
    Profit optimization on tariffs
    Margyn provides detailed data and in-depth analysis to plan strategies aimed at optimizing margins on energy tariffs. The Simulation platform offers different levels of predictive actions, useful for:
  • Short-term corrective actions by acting on the energy balance, predicting the impact on existing margins following any price adjustments and/or changes in offers/tariffs.
  • Medium-term corrective actions in sites with low or even negative margins to reduce, zero out, and/or increase them.
  • Strategic marketing actions through simulating the future impacts of any commercial campaigns that you might want to adopt.
  • Timely anomaly reporting
    Margyn can detect and immediately report any anomalies. This means you can proactively address any issues, avoiding costly errors. The platform can identify and directly send reports of identified abnormal situations (billing gaps, consumption/costs outside tolerance, penalty billing), allowing prompt problem resolution.
    Optimizing company cash flows
    Margyn allows you to automatically simulate the puchase energy expenditure cycle, helping generate accurate budget forecasts and/or allocations with a high level of precision and detailed analysis of all billing components.
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      Processing and control of purchase invoices

      It automatically collects, analyzes and validates payable invoices relating to the purchase of wholesale energy raw materials and transport, in particular:

      • Monitor and manage your invoices efficiently.
      • Automatically validate invoices, checking compliance with current contracts and rates.
      • Integrates with Navision, SAP and other business accounting tools.
      • Identify discrepancies, unexpected items and penalties, generating detailed reports.
      • It simplifies registration in the administrative system and manages any customized cost centers (e.g. unbundling,..), guaranteeing precision and efficiency.

      Import and processing of sales invoices

      Collects, analyzes and processes sales invoices issued by the company in particular:

      • Import outgoing invoice traces generated by invoicing CRMs.
      • Analyzes and processes sales turnover data by aggregating them by competence.
      • Detect unconventional entries, report any discrepancies.

      Purchase – sale analysis and comparison

      This feature allows you to track the difference between sales and purchase billing for electricity and gas, with the aim of:

      • Detecting discrepancies in consumption between purchases, sales, and distribution for timely and corrective reporting to companies.
      • Highlighting differences between the purchase and sale cycles to identify any missed billings.
      • Identifying charges from the distributor that have not been passed on to end customers, such as debt collection, new activations, terminations, compensations, etc.

      Cost and margin analysis

      Thanks to the powerful calculation engine with Margyn, you can track the difference between purchase and sale billing for electricity and gas, gaining a detailed view of your margins. Additionally, you can:

      • Compare different purchase offers: Evaluate and compare various energy purchase offers from wholesalers to identify the most cost-effective option. The platform includes key current and forecasted market indicators.
      • Analyze margins: Monitor the cost of purchased energy in relation to the revenue generated from selling it to end customers for margin analysis.
      • Clear margin breakdown: Provides a clear breakdown of margins by type of active price lists.

      Margin optimization

      The Margyn simulation engine assists you in finding the best solution to normalize and/or increase your current margins. With the simulator, you can create scenarios and solutions to reduce, eliminate, or maximize negative mark up, aiming to:

      • Provide corrective actions to contain or eliminate losses and streamline mark up.
      • Plan tailored and targeted business strategies.
      • Create new opportunities for business development.

      Report generation

      Margyn provides concise and analytical reports to facilitate the optimization of operational processes and activities, including analyses of costs, profits, and mark up.

      Our reporting system is designed for easy access. Here, you’ll find standard templates for common extractions (details of purchase and sale invoices, customer data, and specific analyses to view your margins on gas and electricity) as well as customizable reports tailored to your specific needs.

      Livelli di servizio

      Scegli il livello di servizio e le funzionalità più adatte alle esigenze della tua azienda.


      Automatizza l’importazione e la gestione delle fatture

      Pensato per chi vuole implementare l’importazione automatica delle fatture da tutti i tracciati xls/csv/xml e avere una visione semplice e completa dei dati energetici.

      • Import fatture da tracciato .xls/.csv/.xml
      • Web dashboard
      • Analytics & Anomalie base
      • Report standard
      • Recupero automatico dei tracciati .xls/.csv/.xml
      • Portale ticketing per assistenza tecnica


      Prevede e simula la spesa con uno strumento avanzato

      Ideale per realtà che, oltre al recupero di tutti i tracciati del fornitore e alla verifica della correttezza delle fatture, necessitano di uno strumento avanzato per la simulazione strategica e il forecast della spesa passiva.

      • Tutte le funzionalità del piano Basic+
      • Controllo correttezza fattura
      • Report Check errori rilevati
      • Analytics & Anomalie avanzate
      • Report personalizzati & Simulatore strategico
      • Forecast, stanziamenti e budget spesa passiva
        Import fatture da XML-SDI


      Ottimizza, integra e crea opportunità economiche

      Ideale per realtà che desiderano integrare tutti i processi e utilizzare strumenti avanzati per pianificare strategie commerciali su misura, creando nuove opportunità di sviluppo economico.

      • Tutte le funzionalità del piano Standard +
      • Reportistica avanzata
      • Contabilizzazione automatica fatture
      • API standard per integrazione
      • Margyn specialist: Servizi di Consulenza e Supporto nell’utilizzo della piattaforma

      Dettaglio dei piani di abbonamento e dei livelli di servizio

      Modulo 1 Basic Standard Premium
      Funzionalità 1
      Desc. 1
      Funzionalità 2
      Desc. 2
      Modulo 2 Basic Standard Premium
      Funzi 2.2

      * Attivati in caso di adozione del livello di servizio Check, solo per energia elettrica e gas naturale.
      ** Non comprende la gestione dell’eventuale fase di conciliazione e/o azione legale nei confronti del fornitore.

      Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

      How to avoid manual accounting of bills?

      With Margyn and our team of experts, you can configure a custom approval workflow for sales invoices that starts with automatic import into the system, goes through precise verification of the correctness of the charged items, and culminates in approval and the automation of flows seamlessly integrated with the company’s internal accounting systems.

      How do I transmit purchase and sale invoice data to Margyn?

      Margyn is designed to import billing data directly from suppliers without any reprocessing by customers. Margyn can retrieve invoices in xls, csv, xml, or PDF formats directly from your supplier’s portal, or you can forward supplier emails with invoices directly to a platform address, automating the entire process.

      Does the software requires local installation and updates?

      No, Margyn is a cloud platform that doesn’t require installations or updates from the client. It can be accessed directly from any browser through user authentication with provided credentials. There are no license costs or limitations on the number of users accessing the platform. Access profiles and visibility cones for authorized users can be customized according to business needs.

      What is the cost of Margyn?

      Margyn is delivered as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), with an initial one-time cost for configuring the platform according to customer specifications and a monthly fee calculated based on the number of managed delivery points. There are no license costs, and user access is not limited.

      Request a demo for this product

      BETA version
      Fill out the form to request a demo and discover how to optimize and efficiently optimize the economic and accounting performance of your company. You will be able to take a 360° tour of the platform and receive detailed explanations of all Margyn features from our experts.

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